Body Modification Through the Years

Anthropologic evidence has shown ancient cultures partaking in body modification traditions. The first evidence we have of these ancient societies are cave drawings from the beginning of man. Often, various cave drawings were used using what scientists believe was sometimes human blood. Arguably, some anthropologists believe that these ancient groups took part in practices that resulted in blood loss in order to have paint to draw events on walls ceremoniously.

In ancient Egypt, body modification was a prevalent practice. Tattoos of animals, important phrases, and mythical creatures were found on mummified bodies. Many of these Egyptian bodies also bear evidence of body piercing. Even ancient tribes in Africa partook in tattooing and scarification. Many ancient groups have participated in some form of body modification at some point in their history.

Ancient documentation suggests that these people participated in body piercing, tattooing, and scarification ceremonies-despite being aesthetically pleasing, these forms of body modifications were often not decorative. They were used more as a permanent badge to display family information or societal rank.

Today, body modification is much less done for religious or cultural purposes and done more for pleasure, decoration, and expression. Some groups today do still utilize body modification for cultural purposes, but it is not as prevalent.

As a long-standing tradition, tattooing has been around for centuries. Almost every society in both ancient and modern-day times look to tattooing as a means of expressing emotions, displaying religious or spiritual commitments, honoring the past, and representing the future. Although today's tattooing practices are very different from those of ancient cultures, it nonetheless remains symbolic for inward thoughts and feelings

A fun and semi-permanent form of modifying the body, henna is used all over the world for temporary tattoo application. With endless designs and images to choose from, it is up to you to create whatever your heart desires. As works of art, henna tattoos are ways to self express and celebrate events.

Cultures from thousands of years ago discovered that the henna plant produced a dark and semi-permanent dye when mixed with acidic liquids. Before commercial dye was invented, societies used henna ink for hair dying, furniture coloring, and tattoo application.

Today, body piercing is the most prevalent form of body modification, followed by permanent tattooing and scarification. Body piercing is the most socially accepted of the three. Although body modification has less religious ties to it, it is still a meaningful experience for any who participate in the practice.

About the Author:

Carlo Viana is informational publisher for authority websites that have pure helpful content online readers will love to read.

His latest topic of interest is about body art and you can find ideas and inspiration in his blog here at and his lens at

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