How Laser Tattoo Removal Works - The Step by Step Process

Step 1: Schedule a Consultation

During consultation we will determine the best treatment procedure for your given tattoo as well as the number of treatments that will be required to remove it. Once the size and number of treatments have been assessed we will determine a per visit price and can begin treatment the same day. Treatments will be spaced apart 6-8 weeks to allow for ample time for the treated area to heal.

Step 2: Prepping the Area to be Treated through Laser Tattoo Removal

The area treated will be sterilized prior to treatment. The amount of energy (flounce/joules/jcm2) will be determined prior to each treatment as well as the spot size and treatment speed (Hz/hertz)

Step 3: Perform the Laser Tattoo Removal

To mitigate pain the preferred method is simply to cool the area during treatment with a medical grade chiller/cooler. During the treatment process the Laser light passes harmlessly through the skin targeting only the ink resting in a liquid state within. As the laser light is absorbed by the ink the heat crystallizes the ink changing the physical state from a liquid to a solid. The body's reaction to this change is to treat the newly crystallized ink as if it were a splinter. The body forces the crystallized ink towards the surface of the skin causing some of the tattooed skin to sluff off. While the blood stream and the lymphatic system metabolizes the ink form. There are no adverse effects on the liver or circulatory system from this process.

Step 4: Post Treatment

It is very common an all tattoos to experience blistering on the first one or two treatments with any wave length, this is normal and expected. With treatments from the 532nm laser blistering will occur following every visit again this is normal and expected. Unlike most other cases the blisters caused by the laser tattoo removal process should be drained with a sterile lancet and Aquaphore should applied immediately following drainage. The Aguaphore should be applied regularly following the treatments for two days or until the blistering stops.

While it is possible to see immediate results the majority of the time the fading occurs gradually over the 6-8 week healing period between treatments. It is important to keep the treated area out of direct sunlight and away from significant heat sources (Hot tub, sauna, steam room..etc.) for the first 48 hours following the laser treatment as any additional heat will slow the healing process and can cause blistering to worsen. Taking showers is not an issue.

Not following the prescribed aftercare procedures can lead to reduced effectiveness of the given treatment. As the laser is non-ionizing and non-mutating to cells the only chance of scaring from the treatment process is if the patient picks or scratches at the treated area during the healing process. Laser tattoo removal is very effective and will yield outstanding results if the prescribed post treatment care instructions are followed.

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